Virgin's Guide to Burning Man

A Virgin's Guide to Burning Man can be found here.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"Rachel Getting Married"

I was all set to write my own little review of "Rachel Getting Married", but a quick glance online showed me the critics have already hashed it out well. Everything I had wanted to say is already out there. It's fabulous. Raw. Real. Emotional. Powerful. Anne Hathaway is brilliant in a way totally unexpected, given her past repertoire. Rosemarie DeWitt plays with unparalleled subtlety and grace the wounded older sister-bride. The cast of characters is multicultural, diverse, touching and spot on. And by not leaving any mention within the film of its multiracial nature, the filmmakers impart an even more powerful statement to the viewer: we are here, all the same, all human, with hopes, loves, needs and desires. As different as we are, we are all family.

And though the critics have already said all this, I still feel compelled to respond to the film because it so moved me. The film delves into the complex hurts and history of an addict and her dysfunctional family, but it also transcends that into something more. While the film traverses a world of pain, in the end, what you feel is hope. And even though the ending feels unresolved, it's okay. It's the perfect ending because it is real. In real life, there isn't always a happy resolution. Sometimes, things do just go on. But what matters is (what I thought to be) the film's ultimate message: that underneath and above it all, family is stronger than anything. No matter the hurts, no matter the history, family always has the power to forgive in a way no one else can. And family has the power to love, in spite of it all.

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